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How to Get a Grip on Your Business

Nancy J. Geenen, MA Ed., J.D., Principal & Chief Executive Officer

Most people know me as the CEO of Flexability, but did you know I am also a member of the EOS Implementer community, yes that is a thing. Get a Grip On Your Business, written by Gino Wickman and Mike Paton, is the story of how the leadership of a company used the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) and the EOS tools to get unstuck and grow again after a few years of stagnation. Wickman built EOS for an ideal target market: a privately-held company with 10 – 250 employees led by a leadership team that is open-minded, respectful, appreciative, and growth-oriented that is stuck and wants help. EOS has helped 100,000 companies commit to a clear vision, establish focus, build discipline, and create a healthy and cohesive team.

My passion is working with smaller, startup entrepreneurs from underrepresented communities who are building their dream company. While these early-stage companies may not fit the EOS ideal target company, these entrepreneurs must conquer many of the same challenges as the established, more mature companies. In fact, implementing some of the EOS foundational tools early in the life cycle of a company creates better odds for the early-stage entrepreneur to:

  • Get clarity on the vision.
  • Grow revenue.
  • Add employees.
  • Thrive through the first five years when most new businesses fail.

Recently, I presented THE TALK, also a thing, to a group of early-stage and small business entrepreneurs, including many family-owned companies. I teach the Six Key Components of EOS and a few of the foundational tools that help businesses “get 100% aligned on where they are going and how they will get there.” As a follow up to the presentation, I give 30 minutes of coaching to those who want to get unstuck and want to use EOS. Of those who do follow up with me, a handful stay connected and catch fire. These entrepreneurs are the ones who will make it and with whom I will consult, coach, and spend time listening to their stories.

The challenges faced by small business owners are universal.

During our conversations, we discuss making the complex, simple. First, we talk about the immediate challenges, focused on short term barriers and frustrations. Most every business owner has heard the acronym “SMART”; however, most are not disciplined in the application of setting goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. The entrepreneur builds, and writes down, the one-year goals and a three-year picture, that quickly identifies the strategy for getting more paying customers and the current and future needs to get “there”. Essentially, the entrepreneur builds a business plan that arises from the aha moments, generated from our conversation. From there we talk about the BIG picture, as far out into the future as the business owner can see. As we conclude, the business owner sums up the takeaways, and we set a future meeting, usually a month out, to report on the progress.

EOS is an elegant methodology for small businesses to stay on track and build a healthy and smart company. It teaches accountability and process. Data matters. No surprise, I love the system and the results it produces when executed with rigor and discipline.

If you are interested in how EOS can streamline your business, send me a quick email: